Historical Episcopal Church since 1843
1333 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10305
“For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.” - Romans 12:4-5
Paul tells us that We at St. John’s are one body made up of different members with different functions in the body of Christ. We have created 4 new committees to help St. John’s continue engaging our community, caring for each other, and maintaining our property and finances.
Please contact the parish office if you'd like to join any of the committees.
The buildings and grounds committee will help to oversee the church and the rectory and office. Assist in the planning and organization of clean-up days, work to develop plans for cleaning and maintaining our worship space, help evaluate and make recommendations to the vestry for required maintenance and improvements to our buildings and grounds.

The Canterbury House committee will help to review and address concerns of the Canterbury residence, evaluate and make recommendations for the management of the Canterbury House. Help with long-term planning for improvements both of the building as well as residence programming and engagement.
Our events are not only an opportunity for us to raise needed monies for St. John’s, but they are also opportunities for others to get to know the amazing community here at St. John’s. These events are an opportunity to evangelize about the church and our community. This committee will work to help plan, staff, and organize our events and fundraisers.

The budgeting and Finance committee will make recommendations to the vestry on the budget for the church and help to review and improve our finances. We meet annually to work on creating a budget for the church and periodically to review the finances and making any budget adjustments that might be needed. We will also work with the stewardship group to help encourage pledging to enable us to budget more accurately.