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We celebrate all the different ways families are formed and welcome the rich diversity of human love.

Strengthening your family is one of the highest priorities at St. John's. That is why we commit so much of our time, energy, and resources to be together as a community of faith. Families just work better when they are part of a community - all families. We not only recognize but truly celebrate all the different ways families are formed. From traditional families to families of affinity and choice, we welcome the rich diversity of human love as expressed when people create a family. Each wedding, each baptism, each confirmation, each celebration of a major life accomplishment -- whether graduation or retirement, first anniversary or fiftieth-- is an occasion to strengthen that family and to celebrate with them.


Families also are encouraged to participate in the liturgy of the church. Many of the children and young adults serve as acolytes. Adults serve as Chalice Bearers, Eucharistic Visitors, and Ushers. 


In all these ways and more, St. John's makes the commitment to be a stable and lifelong resource for you and your family.

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