St. John's Family,
We are so glad to welcome you back to in-person worship at St. John's. We will return to worship with one service at 9:00 AM that will be both in-person and online. This will give us an opportunity to continue worshipping together. We will continue with a single online/in-person service for the time being, as more are vaccinated, and are able to return to worship, we will determine when is a good time to return to two, in-person services.
As we come together in person, we want to ensure that we "love our neighbours as ourselves" by following the requirements for in-person worship:
Masks must be worn at all times while in the church.
Please maintain an appropriate distance from those who are not in your household (6 feet.)
Communion is in one kind for the foreseeable future (bread only).
Please wave or greet each other during the peace without physical contact.
We all must sign in when entering the service in case we need to complete contact tracing.
Again, I am so happy to get to see you in-person, so I can start to put names with faces! I am looking forward to the year ahead, as things continue to improve please be on the lookout for upcoming events and opportunities to get together.
Love in Christ,
Fr. Hank Tuell